The Griphouse was founded in 2005 by Guy Ramsay and former Cage Warriors world champion Paul McVeigh. The Griphouse holds multiple National, European and World titles in Jiu-Jitsu, Muay Thai and MMA, earning The Griphouse a reputation as one of the premier martial arts gyms in Scotland.

The griphouse

Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu, or BJJ, is a grappling-based martial art. The central focus is the skill of taking an opponent to the ground, controlling that opponent and using techniques to force them into submission via joint locks or chokeholds. It emphasises using leverage, angles and proper technique to subdue opponents. This allows smaller, weaker practitioners to defeat larger adversaries.

BJJ has seen a staggering rise in popularity over the past two decades. Celebrities such as Tom Hardy, Demi Levato, Keanu Reeves, Jim Carey and Margot Robbie are now seen participating in the sport.


kids program

Griphouse Academy’s kids and teens program is designed to help every child, no matter their goal. From building confidence, having fun and learning self-discipline to creating World, European and National champions.

Whatever your child’s goal is, we can help them achieve these goals and maximise their potential, both on and off the mats.


We have built a successful competition team that competes regularly, travelling throughout the UK and internationally.

For those wishing to compete we have classes that focus on building the skills necessary to be a successful competitor.

private lessons

Private lessons are available upon request. These sessions are individually tailored and more focused, boosting the child’s knowledge and development within jiu-jitsu.